Victorious Life
Fellowship Church
Praise & Worship
Corporate worship is an extension of private worship. We have a committed, capable and competent Praise team. The Voices of Victory, our praise team knows how to lead the congregants into a deeper worship experience with God. Songs are sung to promote a deeper relationship between the worshipper and the object of their worship - Jesus Christ.
Worship is so important that you can’t simply join the praise team, but through fasting and prayer God designates that one becomes a praise and worship leader and that selection is confirmed by the Pastor.

Ministerial Staff/Deacons
We have a dedicated group of Spirit-filled, Spirit-led Ministers and Deacons. No church can operate without support in these strategic areas. Our Ministers are taught the fundamentals of teaching and preaching in a private setting with the Pastor on a monthly basis. They are also given the opportunity to minister once a month during bible class. Our Deacons have assigned Sundays in which to serve the local Church. They are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the church.
Youth Ministry
Our youth are very important to us and we see them as not just the future church but the now church. Our youth ministry consists of the “Wee Worshippers” ages 2-5 and the “Victorious Visionaries” ages 6-13. Our Deacons have assigned Sundays in which to serve the local Church. They are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the church.
Children’s church for the Wee Worshippers is every Sunday and the Victorious Visionaries enjoy service third and fourth Sunday. We also have services for our Teen Titans.

Women's Ministry
We have a vibrant and strong Women’s ministry. The women are encouraged by the First Lady to “work” together for the cause of Christ. Women’s ministry sponsors a women’s luncheon every May, an annual Women’s Conference, Serve the Women’s Shelter every Christmas.
Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry of Victorious Life Fellowship consists of a very active and community involved group of Men. We sponsor a prayer breakfast every year. The Male Chorus renders a selection to the church congregation every third Sunday. We also have an annual Men’s weekend.

To help make the worship experience at VLFC flow appropriately we have Ushers that serve with excellence, care and concern. We have a Hospitality staff that will greet you with a warm, friendly smile. Our Men are on staff to monitor the parking lot and ensure that you and your family feel safe as you worship here at VLFC.
Audio & Visual
Our AV Ministry ensures that services sound amazing. This ministry is also responsible for the content displayed on our screens throughout the sanctuary. They ensure the words to the praise and worship songs are easy to follow on our display screens, they record the sermons for Sunday morning services and are responsible for our live streaming service.

Single's Ministry
We have a Singles ministry whose focus is on being sold out for Christ and encouraging one another as they fellowship and lift up the name of Jesus. They are involved in outings and fellowship opportunities that minister to who they are in Christ.

Marriage Ministry
Our Marriage ministry is a ministry whose focus is to strengthen the marital bond and enhance the family relationship so that both are Christ centered. We have quarterly fellowship opportunities. We have a yearly Marriage retreat where we are taught fundamental principles of marriage by Pastor & First Lady.